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20 Obscure words to add to your vocabulary


  1. Deipnosophist: A person who is skilled in talks at dinners, parties, or other kinds of table talks.
  2. Acersecomicke: One whose hair was never cut.
  3. Solivagant: Rambling or wandering alone.
  4. Filipendulous: Suspended, stringing, or hanging by a thread.
  5. Flingee: One at whom something is thrown or flung.
  6. Jentacular: Something related to breakfast.
  7. Matutinal: Related to morning, or occurring in the morning.
  8. Makebate: A person who invites troubles, discord, contention, and quarrels.
  9. Betise: An act of foolishness or stupidity.
  10. Patrizate: To imitate one's father.
  11. Catillate: To lick dishes.
  12. Tongue-hero: Self-possessed hero, a braggart, someone who brags.
  13. Noctivagant: Wandering in the night.
  14. Cachinnate: To laugh loudly, uncontrollably, and immoderately.
  15. Peristeronic: Relating to or resembling pigeons.
  16. Puffer: A person or a thing that puffs. Breathing heavily.
  17. Tootler: To toot softly, gently, and repeatedly.
  18. Bellycheer: Gratification of the belly, gluttony.
  19. Sarcast: A sarcastic person.
  20. Philostorgie: Love of parents towards their children.
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