Bugaboo: An object of fear, shock, or alarm. An imaginary source of fear. Wackadoodle: An eccentric, fanatical, crazy, wrongheaded, bizarre, or foolish person. Rapscallion: A mischievous person. Philistine: A person who doesn't like or understand the beauty of art, literature, etc. Boondoggle: An unnecessary, wasteful or fraudulent project. Grotesque: Strange or ugly in a way that is not natural. Gobbledygook: A language or a piece of writing that may sound official or brilliant, but is too wordy or meaningless, due to excessive use of technical jargon or complex words. Cattywampus: Going badly, awkwardly, in the wrong direction, or in the unsteady rhythm; disarray or disorder. Bumfuzzle: To confuse, bewilder, or perplex someone by mixing up things. Kerfuffle: Commotion, fuss, noise, chaos, disorder, excitement. Taradiddle: A small, petty, or trivial lie. Zoanthropy: A maniac, psychotic or mental disorder in which a person is in the delusion that they are an animal and acts like on...