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Showing posts from July, 2024

20 Unusual words to add to your vocabulary

Bugaboo: An object of fear, shock, or alarm. An imaginary source of fear. Wackadoodle: An eccentric, fanatical, crazy, wrongheaded, bizarre, or foolish person. Rapscallion: A mischievous person. Philistine: A person who doesn't like or understand the beauty of art, literature, etc. Boondoggle: An unnecessary, wasteful or fraudulent project. Grotesque: Strange or ugly in a way that is not natural. Gobbledygook: A language or a piece of writing that may sound official or brilliant, but is too wordy or meaningless, due to excessive use of technical jargon or complex words. Cattywampus: Going badly, awkwardly, in the wrong direction, or in the unsteady rhythm; disarray or disorder. Bumfuzzle: To confuse, bewilder, or perplex someone by mixing up things. Kerfuffle: Commotion, fuss, noise, chaos, disorder, excitement. Taradiddle: A small, petty, or trivial lie. Zoanthropy: A maniac, psychotic or mental disorder in which a person is in the delusion that they are an animal and acts like on

Book Review: Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World by Neil Gaiman

Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World by Neil Gaiman Writers are artists who tootle along the tendrils in their brain to unearth stories that will stir their heart, and the hearts of people who read them. Equipped with a paintbucket consisting only of twenty-six letters, and just a sprinkling of punctuation marks, they construct new worlds and scenarios that immerse and absorb readers’ attention; a healthy distraction from everyday frenzy. “Art Matters: Because your imagination can change the world” by Neil Gaiman is a non-fiction book that describes the significance of making good art. Although the book is mainly about writers, its insights are also valid for other kind of artists as well, such as dancers, musicians, actors, painters, etc. Featuring expressive illustrations by Chris Riddell, the book is divided into three parts: Importance of libraries, making a chair, and making good art. Libraries, he says, are like safe havens that enable us to l