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34 Interesting Food Idioms to add to your vocabulary

  1.  A piece of cake: Something that is simple or easy to do.
  2. As cheap as chips: Really inexpensive.
  3. Spill the beans: To reveal a secret.
  4. Nutty as a fruitcake: Wacky or crazy.
  5. To go bananas: To go crazy; to act without self-control or restraint.
  6. Hard nut to crack: Something that is difficult.
  7. Sell like hot cakes: To be bought quickly and in large numbers.
  8. Like two peas in a pod: Two things that are very similar, almost identical.
  9. Pie in the sky: Something good that is unlikely to happen.
  10. Couch potato: A lazy and inactive person, especially one who spends a great deal of time watching television.
  11. Buy a lemon: Something you buy that gives you a lot of problems.
  12. As cool as a cucumber: Very calm and relaxed, especially in a difficult situation.
  13. Not your cup of tea: It is not the kind of thing you'll like.
  14. Big cheese: Most important or a powerful person.
  15. As flat as a pancake: Something that is very flat.
  16. As sweet as honey: Someone very kind and who possesses generosity in speech.
  17. Take with a pinch of salt: To not take things very seriously, to not believe everything that is told.
  18. Use your noodle: Use your brain or think creatively.
  19. Small potato: Unimportant, Insignificant.
  20. Milk and honey: A place or situation of prosperity and abundance.
  21. Life is like a box of chocolates: Life is full of surprises; you never know what will happen next.
  22. Tough cookie: A person who is strong and able to handle difficult situations.
  23. Bread and butter: The main source of income.
  24. Wake up and smell the coffee: Stop deluding yourself.
  25. Wine and dine: To entertain someone with food and drink.
  26. Like apples and oranges: Comparison of things that cannot be compared.
  27. Life is a bowl of cherries: Life is full of pleasure.
  28. In a pickle: Stuck in a difficult situation.
  29. Good egg: Honest and trustworthy.
  30. Cherry on top: Finishing touch on something.
  31. Have your cake and eat it too: To have all the benefits of a situation when, in fact, having one thing means you cannot have the other.
  32. Put all your eggs in one basket: To depend on a single person or plan of action for your success.
  33. Bear fruit: To be successful especially after a lot of effort or work.
  34. Eat humble pie: To admit that you were wrong.
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