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18 Cute words to add to your vocabulary


  1. Popple: Water of a stream or a river, flowing in a tumbling, rippling, rolling, and bubbling way.
  2. Tweep: A person who uses Twitter (X) to send and receive messages online.
  3. Pronk: To jump straight up. Bound. Leap. Spring.
  4. Sozzled: Very drunk.
  5. Cutesy-poo: Embarrassingly or sickeningly cute.
  6. Pogonip: A dense winter fog containing frozen particles, that is formed in deep mountain valleys of western United States.
  7. Toodle-pip: Goodbye!
  8. Bungle: To do something badly or to fail at doing something.
  9. Meldrop: A drop of mucous in the nose, whether produced by cold or otherwise.
  10. Dottle: A remnant of tobacco left in the pipe after smoking.
  11. Gewgaw: A small decorative object that is just showy but otherwise valueless. Bauble. Trinket.
  12. Ribbonry: Ribbons. Ribbonwork. Decorative accessories relating to ribbons.
  13. Tizzy: A state of nervous excitement.
  14. Snickerdoodles: Sugar cookies made in flour, butter, and salt, and rolled in cinnamon sugar.
  15. Lollapalooza: A person or a thing that is exceptionally impressive or attractive.
  16. Youwzers!: An interjection used to express excitement and surprise.
  17. Plume: A quantity of smoke that rises in the air.
  18. Doddle: Something that is very easy to do.
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