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Book Review: Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller | Neha's Notebook

Attitude is Everything change your attitude change your life! Attitude is Everything change your attitude change your life! by Jeff Keller

How many times do we witness it happen, that even though the situation outside is terribly negative, we look at it with a positive attitude and it gets only better, whereas sometimes even though the situation is totally positive, we look at it with a negative attitude, and it gets only worse?

Well, this book Attitude Is Everything, as its name suggests, delves deep into the idea of attitude, what makes up a great attitude and what makes up for a terrible attitude, and how significant is one’s attitude in life…

The book is divided into 12 chapters. In this review, I share 20 pointers I extracted from these chapters.

So, let’s begin with these!

The book mentions that, think of your attitude as a mental filter through which you experience the world.

Your attitude is your window to the world.

According to the book, everyone starts out with a clean mental window, but there comes a time when life starts throwing dirt on this window in the form of criticism, ridicule, rejections, disappointments and doubts.

Even though the dirt keeps building up, most often we do nothing about it and carry on in our lives with a filthy window. Clean the dirt off your window.

#3 A human being has the choice to control one’s attitude irrespective of the circumstances.

#4 When we combine attitude with other success principles, we become unstoppable!

#5 We are human magnets
We become what we think about. Our Dominant Thought determines who we become.

A positive belief system is the starting point for the achievement of any goal. When your dominant belief is that you can achieve your goal, you begin taking actions necessary to move in that direction.

Your mind hears every word you speak – and like a magnet, you’ll attract events and circumstances that correspond to your dominant beliefs.

#6 Repetition is the key
When we hear the same things over and over, it becomes a part of us and we automatically move forward to improve our life.

We are constantly moving forward in the direction of our dominant thoughts.

#7 Picture Your Way. Rethink Your Mental Movies
The pictures, or mental movies or visualizations that occupy our mind exert tremendous influence over our present actions. The author writes that we have control over what pictures we allow to occupy our mind. But unless we consciously do so, our mind looks in the mental archives and keeps replaying the same old pictures over and over again.

Even though we cannot deny or change the old pictures, we can alter our interpretation of how we view a particular picture.

#8 Commitment is Magical
When you make a commitment and are willing to do whatever it takes, you begin to attract people and circumstances necessary to achieve your goal.

Doors will open. Obstacles will arise. You will suffer disappointments. Life will test your commitment by throwing setbacks in your way. But if you are committed to your path, you will eventually succeed.

A problem is often not a problem at all. It may actually be an opportunity. A problem may point out certain adjustments we need to make to improve certain conditions in our life. The road to success often travels through adversity.

Miseries are blessings in disguise. The positives are always there, if you look for them.

Adversity serves us by giving us perspective, teaching us to be grateful, bringing out our hidden potential, encouraging us to make changes, teaching us valuable lessons and opening new doors.

#10 When one door shuts, there is always a better one waiting to be opened

It’s a matter of cause and effect. Our words determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine out actions and our actions determine our results.

The words we use and repeat are strongly connected to our accountaability and also to our emotions. Clearing up your language is an important first step!

#12 Our body hears the words we say or think
Our body hears the words we use and responds to it. Our brain forms grooves out of the words we use consistently, and keeps playing the same tape over and over again.

Our words are the self-fulfilling prophesies.

#13 How are You?
Our answer to the question How are you? may seem like such a small thing but we must answer this question to ourselves not ten but as many as fifty times a day. Our responses to this question can be classified into 3 categories – negative, mediocre and positive.

However, how we feel is totally a subjective matter. We can change these feelings by changing the words we use to interpret them.

#14 Stop complaining
One thing is experiencing pain and discomfort and another thing is talking about it. Talking about pain and discomfort only brings more of the same.

Complaining is a game that we should never participate in as it only escalates our suffering. Besides, complaining is not the answer to the challenges in our life. Complaining often stems from a lack of perspective in which we blow our problem way too much in high proportion.

#15 Make a Gratitude List
If you feel tempted to talk about or complain about your problemss, pick up a pen and start making a list of things you’re grateful for. There are always some to if we look, and this sure beats complaining too!

Hang out with negative people and their attitude will wear and drain you down. Whatever you hear will be at the forefront of your consciousness. And ultimately, our mind can’t discriminate between the messages that are good for us and those which are not.

By selecting people we spend our time with, we are consciously selecting who we are becoming. At the same time, we should not allow ourselves to drag down at the level of people bearing a negative attitude.

#17 God helps those who help themselves

#18 Confront your fears, not back away from them
Backing away from your fears is a momentary avoidance of anxiety, it only limits the possibility of our potential.

The moment we confront our fear, we become winners.

Courage is a muscle that can be developed just like any other muscle. When we do an activity outside our comfort zone, a few times, this new activity becomes a part of our comfort zone.

It can be uncomfortable to try something new, but if we take our eyes off the goal and see how others are viewing us, we are doing a grave disservice to the life inside us. Get out there and fail, but never give up!

In short, change your attitude and change your life. Attitude is everything!
