Inspired by his dreams, Remy, a rat, finds himself separated from his family-kingdom; isolated and lost in a river tunnel, only to discover that his destiny had brought him to his dream restaurant ‘The Gusteau’s’. Flabbergasted and excited, Remy wanders along to witness the wondrous processes going on in the world’s finest gourmet kitchen. Remy desires to cook, but the only problem, he is not a human. Call it a brush of good fortune, Remy comes across a naïve boy named Linguini. Linguni’s only problem, he doesn’t know how to cook. And so, Remy and Linguini partner along, Remy acting as his shadow chef. The classic Disney-Pixar hit does not only feature an immersive animated production and neat characters, but also a storytelling that is as inspiring as entertaining. Dreams come true! Orders please!! In this video, I share 27 of my favourite, inspirational quotes from the movie. Go ahead, watch and enjoy! Thank you, Good day & Stay tuned for more exciting quote collections! ...