The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho My rating: 0 of 5 stars Destiny. Every living being has a destiny. If you look at it this way, you’ll realize that, even something which is regarded as non-living, has a destiny. Too. Isn’t a discarded plastic bottle too, merely a flunkey poodle moppeted by the wind and by the sun and the rain and all? Doesn’t it flips and flurries at the orders of life, too? For the plastic bottle, it is the wind and the sun and the rain who governs and leads its destiny. Who governs the throne of the palace of choice in the kingdom of ‘your’ unique destiny? What would you do if you were presented with an opportunity to venture on a journey of treasure discovery, provided that, on the way you’d require to give up everything that you might have accummulated ever since, and to lose all that, that you have? Would you proceed and take a step further to dig through to discover the treasure, or would you back off, thinking of the dreadful con...